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What is the Importance of Fish in Healthy Nutrition?

As we all know, fish is a very useful food in terms of the vitamins and minerals it contains. Fish is rich in phosphorus, calcium, iodine and vitamins and it contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and D.

Except for those really fond of fish and consume it often, fish consumption is less than necessary in our country. Fish contains more protein and less fat than red meat. Moreover, most of the protein taken from red meats is not used by the body but almost all of the protein and fat taken from fish is used by our body.  

Because of the low carbohydrate and starch ratio that it contains, fish is one of the preferred diet foods. It is a magnificent source of nutrition especially for those who have the problem of cholesterol.

There is a great requirement for vitamin D in the development and growth of the bones. Fish contains vitamin D and plays an important role in bone development.

In addition, eating twice a week slows down the decline in mental activities that is associated with aging.

Fish is a great type of food for those who are practicing a low calory diet. Its average fat content is 20% lower than red meat.

The first condition of a health life healthy and balanced nutrition. Let’s eat fish tofether with our loved ones for our happiness...Experts’ recommendation: Eat fish twice a week!

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