
Breeding Sheep, Lamb, Ram Selection

Breeding Sheep, Lamb, Ram Selection

Getting efficiency from herds, depends on making animal improvement properly. This concept of efficiency can be obtained by selecting quality breeding animals. Accordingly, we should exercise due care to our breeding sheep, lamb, ram selection. And it shouldn’ t be forgotten that; this is the paramount clause for the profitability increase. 

Points To Consider In Breeding Sheep Selection 

In rootstock sheep selection, the first two births of animals are required to be looked at and the priority here should be given to the ones which give births to twins. Apart from this, the ones who derive from higher twins rate parents are most importantly be considered. Large rootstock sheep should be seperated from others and the ones which are suitable in terms of their weights and appetite should be preferred. Udder lengths and enourmousness are the determinants for daily milk efficiency. Because of the fact that; two or more features are mostly demanded in breeding selection, required attention should be paid to the relationship between body and efficiency. 

Broiler sheep are known with their ripe bodies, compact and large ridge, short legs and big- boned structures. Besides, dairy sheep are known with their tall bodies, long legs and thin- boned structures. 

The selection of these rootstock animals should be one of the best examples in breeding and there shouldn’ t be any hereditary faults. 


Sorting means conducting sheep, lamb and ram away from flock under the circumstances of old- age, illness, etc. There are some points to consider during this sorting process and can be expressed in 5 items:


  1. Sequentially facing with conceiving problems for 2 years, 
  2. Being weak and inefficient likewise having hereditary problems such as foot diseases, lameness, stubbiness in maxilla or submaxilla,
  3. Not breeding lambs efficiently, 
  4. Having low milk production,
  5. Getting older and exceeding the ‘ 6- 8 ‘ age limit


The lambs and sheep should be eliminated from rootstock by taking these into consideration. 

Points To Consider In Breeding Ram Selection 

- Strength and health 

- Characteristics of race

- Bright look and dynamism

- Ovary and testis 

- Wool and Characteristics of Race

- Legs and Feet 

- Spermatic Tests and Selection 

- Raw Nutrition 

- Selection Of Rams 

The animals should be both strong and healthy. They should have the whole characteristics of their races with their bright looks and dynamic characteristics. Ovary of these animals should be dropped in vesica and rams need more than one testis for each. Wool of the ram should feature their own race and they shouldn’ t be anisochromatic. The legs should be short and well- shaped. Besides, the feet should be step properly and they should crouch when someone strikes over their ridge. Most importantly; ram should be well- selected by making spermatic tests regularly. The adult ones should be well- fed and thus pass over the quantity of 35- 40 sheep on average. In the selection of rams, twins of mothers is as important as giving births to twins. So, the same attention should be shown to both. 

Points To Consider In Breeding Lamb Selection

These can be specified as below; 

- The earlier the inconvenient lambs are straggled, the better it is going to be. 

- The ones which are not able for breeding are fattened. 

- A selection is made during the delactation period.

- Another selection is made between the yearling lambs. 

The first insemination for male lambs is made between 18- 24 months. They should be well- nourished in this period. 

Bone structure, should be available for development and tail should be molly contrary to massive and flabby configuration. The weak and sear ones shouldn’ t be chosen for breeding. 

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Yetiştiricilik Verimlilik Breeding Küçükbaş Hayvancılık Sağlıklı Gelişim Hayvanlarda Doğru Beslenme Sheep And Goat Farming Healthy Development Efficiency

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