How Should Egg Care and Storage Be Made?

While producers frequently consider the incubation process, they don’t give necessary importance to egg care. But infact, the embryo begins to develop even before incubation and concordantly; it needs a suitable maintenance for itself. If the egg care isn’t made properly, then the possibility for hatching decreases.
In order to protect the quality of incubating egg; there are some required methods;
- Eggs should be gathered at least three times a day. When the daily temperature is more than 30 centegrade degree, eggs should be gathered five times a day in total; 2 or 3 times in the morning and 1 or 2 times in the afternoon.
- Slightly dirty eggs don’t pose problems and can be used in hatcheries. But these shouldn’t be recorded.
- Eggs should storaged in cool and moist places. The temperature of ideal storage environment should be 12- 13 centegrade degree and its’ relative moisture should be 75 percent.
- The storaged egg, continue to fertilize for 7 days, but it is going to lose this property of it in the upcoming days. Because of this reason; eggs shouldn’t be hired more than 7 days before the incubation period.
- In order to avoid the storage and hatching problems, well- conceived plans and methodical incubation programmes should be done.
Implementation of these methods in egg care and storage is going to cause efficiencies and provide targeted results.