Çamlı Grower Beef Feed

Çamlı Grower Beef Feed

Çamlı Grower Beef Feed is a special diet employed in the beginning of the fattening period for the young calves that have just left their raising periods and are older than six months.


  • Special buffer materials have been added to protect against acidosis and bloat cases.
  • It has a positive effect on carcass quality and meat yield with the high digestible raw materials in its content. 
  • It is delicious and appetizing.
  • It provides rapid development and muscle growth.
  • It has a balanced structure in terms of energy, protein, mineral and vitamin contents.

Important Information:

  • In the planning of housings for livestock, the dry bedding area per cattle should be at least 1 m2 per 100 kg live weight. It would also be good if the exercise area is once or twice the area of the same.
  • It is very important for our livestock that there is at least 25 cm feeding area in loose housing systems per animal, in order to avoid competition and ensure free access to food.
  • It is important for our livestock to be supplied 24 hours of clean and potable water.
  • Our livestock can be provided with 24 hour an access to the feed. 
  • It will be proper to provide our livestock with 1 kg of concantrate feed per 100 kg of live weight at the beginning of the feeding. such an amount can be calculated as 1 kg per 50 kg of live weight at most at the end of nutrition.
  • We must house our livestock in paddocks, which are not too crowded, in such a manner that they are at as close ages as possible and in live weight. We should not change the paddocks of our animals unless necessary.
  • We have to provide quarantine paddocks for our livestock. We must develop our necessary preventive vaccination and treatment programs.
  • We should not buy animals from animals with developmental retardation, of depression breathing, intense parasitic infestation or epidemic diseases.
  • It is important to fight and control respiratory problems, which have a higher percentage share in the compulsory slaughter and rate of waste in animal husbandry. Important matters to be considered at this point are that the diagnosis of the disease at an early stage in order to response with the most proper treatment protocol and that both fever follow up and clinical examinations must be performed in order to favorably monitor in respect of the success of the treatment process and  response to the treatment. In addition to the necessary examination and treatment applications in sick animals, If the prognosis is not good, cut decision on slaughtering them should be made before too much live weight loss occurs.
  • Vaccination and antibiotic administrations should be done 3-4 weeks before the date of shipment where animals are as available as possible. Where this is not possible, these practices should be carried out during quarantine in the enterprise.

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