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Sustainable Production and Superior Taste Awarded Fish From Çamlı


As being an agricultural company established in 1983; Çamlı Feed Animal Husbandry, emphasizes sustainability of its’ products with the Friend of the Sea certificate it has. On the other side; it is granted the International Superior Taste Award two times for its’ Pınar Fish branded sea bass and sea bream produced in nearly 12.000 m2 terrestrial and 36.500 m2 maritime field in the facility located in Çeşme Ildırı.

How Is the Superior Taste Awarding Process Carried Out?

The awarding ceremony is organized by making evaluations on blind taste basis. During this process; all products are being evaluated without any packages or symbols on them and tested by considering the International Hedonic and Sensory Analysis methods. Each has taken a code for reliable monitoring. They are all prepared or cooked according to the directions given by the producers and served. International Taste and Quality Institute (iTQ) aims to measure the tastes of products hedonically. The jury committee, grades them according to the criterias such as taste, flavor, type, smell and tissue and ranks the results in the Sensory Analysis Report. The products are tested and evaluated according to their own specifications in various categories.

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