In the direction of our company’s vision, mission and corporate values adopted; we guarentee to perform our best as mentioned below for our customers and employees...
- Complying with the requirements of Quality, Food Safety, Global GAP, Energy, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management System standards and doing all studies necessary to fulfill our other compliance obligations.
- Managing our production processes efficiently, innovatively and sustainably by adopting a customer- oriented approach and providing a complete service to all ofour customers,
- Satisfying all needs and expectations of our employees, providing them to increase their competences and awareness levels and improving employee satisfaction continuously,
- Creating a corporate culture by giving priority to business health and security andbeing respectful to environment, nature and all rings of the chain,
- Avoiding possible dangers related with business health and security and creating required organizational systems in order to decrease occupational diseases,
- Observing the environmental effects of our activities on life cycle and improving our environmental performance with various approaches,
- Providing efficient usage for exhaustible natural resource, increasing energy performance by considering the importance of energy efficiency during any kind of product and service intake and supporting the principle of sustainability with new projects,
- Continuously being in communication with relevant departments affected from our performance with Quality, Food Security, Global Gap, Energy, Environment, Businness Health and Security Management System Certificates and Good Farming Practices.