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Toxemia Of Pregnancy For Sheep And Goat!

Toxemia of pregnancy is seen at the last period of pregnancy for sheep and both at the last period of pregnancy and lactation period for goats. The main reasons of this disease are having two or more lambs, intensive feeding, deficiency of ration in terms of energy, liver disorders, serious parasite invasions, insufficient feeding amount, inactivity, excessive lipoidosis, sudden climate changes and stress. It is frequently seen in weak and fat sheep and goat or pregnant animals and rarely seen in young animals. 

The main symptoms in toxemia of pregnancy are inappetency, depression, estivation, nonfunctionality in muscle functions, coordination deficiency, ataxy, bruxism and blindness. Sick sheep and goats, are usually weak and have difficulty in standing. They lose their interests to environment and appetite. Moreover, they lose weight excessively and have respiratory distress problems. These symptoms can be seen in the first one or two hours. Animals may even die if the symptoms are permanent. 

The disease can be treated by increasing the blood glucose level and removing the factors increasing the energy need of animals. Success of treatment, depends on early diagnosis. Intravenous glucose and propylene glycol applications should be made until complete recovery is provided. Overdose usage of these materials, distrupts normal functions of rumen flora. Therefore, blood glucose level should be increased with hypertonic dextrose and electrolyte solution applications and dehydration should be eliminated. Ringer lactate or sodium bicarbonate solutions can be given intravenously. Moreover, niacin and vitamin B can be given as additives. Insulin, affects glucose intake, contributes to the energy sources and accelerates the treatment period. In the early time of this disease, labor induction can be applied in order to decrease the energy need of pregnant animals. In the advancing period of the disease, caesarean operation can be applied and babies can be taken from their mothers’ wombs. A broad spectrum antibiotic, non-steroid anti- inflammatory and oxytocin should be applied shortly after labor induction and caesarean operation. Animals usually recruit after these applications mentioned above. Otherwise, additionally to the dextrose application; electrolyte solutions should be given to them intraveneously.

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