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What Are The Control Measures In Order To Prevent Calf Death?

Sustainability of the requested development in dairy farmer flocks is provided by decreasing the calving intervals, increasing the calving rates, decreasing the abortion possibilities and calf deaths, balancing the rate of heifers which are not pregnant in normal standards and with such developed management strategies. These strategies are going to help stock growth of the farmers improve via natural increases by providing augmentations for heifer and calf changes in the stock. ( an increase from 15 % to 35% percent ) 

A suitable calf maintenance begins before birth. Vitamin and mineral combinations are implemented in order to prevent the problems which cause from deficiencies in dairy cows and calves. Some of these problems are delayed calving, difficulties for calving (dystocia), calf deaths and birth of weak calves.

During the first 12 hours, admittance of high- qualified and sufficient colostrum, hygenic conditions in order to minimize the possibility for getting infected and sheltering, recruitment of clear drinking water, implements for suitable nutrition methods which encourages early rumen development, strength and performance of calves and such crucial parameters should be provided. 

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